Student Researcher
IRB Steps for Carthage Students
IRB guidelines apply to human subject research conducted at Carthage and/or by Carthage investigators. All studies reviewed by the Carthage IRB require a Principal Investigator (PI) who is Carthage faculty/staff member. In the case of student research: the student should work with a faculty member to submit the project to the Institutional Review Board via the IRBNet.
6 Steps IRB Steps for Carthage Students
1. Identify a faculty member to work with and serve as Principle Investigator for the project.
2. Read the information provided on the Carthage IRB website.
3. Complete the required training via CITI and provide documentation to your faculty member.
4. Using the IRB forms and resources provided, work with your faculty member to design your research project and complete the IRB Application.
5. Your faculty member will upload and submit the project to the IRB via IRBNet.
6. Work with your faculty member to respond to any questions or modifications from the IRB.
Do not begin your study prior to receiving authorization from the IRB
Carthage requires that all research utilizing human participants be approved BEFORE THE RESEARCH BEGINS. This includes recruiting participants (by posting flyers or soliciting participants in any way), or collecting and analyzing data. This satisfies a number of federal, state, and institutional regulations and, most importantly, assures the protection of the rights and welfare of individuals used in research.